What better way to celebrate this day than with a special-edition Inauguration cookie from Wonderland Bakery. According to the Fast Food Maven, President Obama ordered 6,000 of these special cookies from the local Wonderland Bakery in Newport Beach, CA. The cookies are sugar cookies with a French vanilla buttercream icing, topped with a presidential emblem hand-picked by the President himself. The cookies will be served today at a luncheon and at two evening galas.
I reviewed Wonderland Bakery last year after a friend bought me a red velvet cupcake from there. So although I would prefer to celebrate today with a cupcake, a cookie is a good alternative. The cookies can be purchased from their store and website for $8.25 (which seems pretty steep considering this economy, but I guess today is a special day).
I definitely crave chocolate - any kind, but preferably on the dark side. Those cupcakes do look good! I really like your blog - wish I lived in Calif. so I could try some of the places you mention
A good excuse to visit!
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