Check out this story that was picked up by NPR:
New York City landlords are known for driving a tough bargain. But landlord Jack Resnick and Sons put a little something sweet into a new lease: cupcakes. That's because the new tenant is the bakery Crumbs. The rider requires a dozen cupcakes to be delivered to the landlord's monthly sales meeting.
Sweet deal!

I still haven't been to Crumbs (California has four locations -- Beverly Hills, Glendale, Larchmont, and Calabasas -- none in Orange County yet), but I've already picked out the flavors I am going to try when I finally get there.

Baba Booey: Peanut butter and chocolate. The most perfect combination...ever.
Grasshopper: Chocolate, mint cream cheese frosting, chocolate chips, and Oreo pieces.
you will love them...IMO they're better than Sprinkles...although don't get me wrong, i love Sprinkles too! but that's how good they are! =)
Ok, I'm making it a goal to go soon. Thanks for the motivation!
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