The Sprinkles Truck can hold 1500 cupcakes and will sell the cupcakes for $4.00 each, $0.75 more than they cost in the store. You can follow Sprinklesmobile on twitter, where they will announce their planned stops. Their first stop is at The Grove in LA on Sunday at 3:00pm. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I will be at Lake Mead with my father-in-law, but I hope to catch the Sprinkles truck soon.
I SOOO LOVE your BLOG~! Wish you had a FOLLOW area lol...if you do my PC must not be loading lol...LOVE LVOE LOVE your blog~!~!~!
I really think that I'm a minority here, but I wouldn't pay $4 for a Sprinkles cupcake! There are so many other delicious cupcakes out there for cheaper. Why are the cupcakes on the truck more expensive than the ones in the store? Aren't they the same cupcakes? Just because we're willing to pay so much for cupcakes is it necessary for them to charge so much? Really?!
...sorry for the rant, but sometimes I get frustrated.
I went to their BH store this morning for Father's Day and it is by far the best! I have tried Crumbs, Suzie Cakes, Joan's on Third and others but I still keep going back. There is a secret ingredient that the others do not have. I drive all the way from Ventura County 1 hour w/o traffic w/traffic 1 hour 30 mins and I can taste them all the way there and back home. YUM....
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