Last week Jill's sister-in-laws threw Jill her final baby shower (if you remember, I threw a baby shower for her a few weeks ago also). I was so amazed by how much detail they put into the whole shower. I was even more surprised when I walked in and saw the backyard filled with cupcakes. Cupcakes everywhere!
The theme of the baby shower was books. Each table had a book with cupcakes to match. Such a cute idea!
Oh, The Places You'll Go!
(crazy-design cupcakes to match Dr. Seuss' crazy books)
(notice the matching purple swirls on the cupcakes)
(the cupcakes to match were eaten too quickly, but they were german chocolate with shredded coconut on top--to look like furry monsters)

Oh, this theme is making me cry. My kids' favorites are in there...and they're getting older. (The kids, not the books! Well, okay, the books too!) What a fantastic idea. Thanks for sharing it.
Also: what if Mom got books as gifts, too? I mean for a more literary-minded mom. (...said the literary-minded mom...)
Mel at Theme a Party
Mel- That's exactly what happened! Since my friend doesn't know the gender yet, the host suggested getting my friend books as gifts. She got so many wonderful books; some were my favorites from my childhood.
What a great idea! I love books! And cupcakes, of course!
how cool is that!
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