Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What Would You do for a (Fried) Klondike Bar?

I absolutely LOVE the Orange County Fair!! It's the one time a year where I allow myself to eat lots and lots of fried food and not feel guilty. Two years ago I tried a deep-fried cupcake. Last year I enjoyed a fried avocado, along with lots of other fried food and a normal cupcake. So what's going to be new on the menu this year? Food Frenzy has the inside scoop.

Chicken Charlie's is the best stand for finding fried food at the OC Fair. They will fry practically anything. I like that attitude. Niyaz Pirani of Food Frenzy met with the owner of Chicken Charlie's to see what new items will be taking a trip into a deep fryer this year.

The food item I'm most excited about is the deep-fried Klondike bar! My first thought is probably the same as most of you, how can you deep-fry an ice cream bar? Answer: you freeze it at a very cold temperature (-25 degrees) and then eat it very fast. Sounds delicious!

The deep-fried Klondike bar is not the only new item you might find at Chicken Charlie's. He's also been experimenting with deep-fried Reese's, deep-fried M&Ms, and deep-fried blackberries. I can't wait...see you at the fair!


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